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The Public Group

Public-Democracy Pty Ltd through its subsidiary Public-Democracy America owns and operates a database of one hundred and fourteen million users resident in the USA, all over the age of 18. This powerful marketing tool offers incredible synergies in combination with the innovative Public-Democracy communication App for phones and tablets.
Investment Opportunities
Like all start up tech companies, we are seeking capital investment to allow us to keep up with and fully capture the amazing opportunities opening up to the group from the synergies of its core service and core product. Talk to us now if you see the potential of where we are currently positioned and would like to participate in our success story.
The Public Group is an Australian based tech start up with a difference. The announcement of the recent acquisition of a high value database of 114 million users of voting age in the USA gives the group a solid revenue base and vast growth potential. Combined with it's other innovative technology products it is a tech start up to watch.

Talk to us if you are interested in joining our success story.
The Public Group, a startup Australian Technology Company specializing in Big Data, announces the acquisition of a high value asset - a 114 million user database derived from the US electoral rolls over a 12 year period, and representing over half of the population of the USA over 18 years old.

This brings instant and extensive revenue streams to the Group and builds tangible verifiable value to the business.
The Public-Democracy App: Your Voice is Heard!
Introducing a new App for smart devices that allows you to respond directly to messages and videos being trialled by political parties - it gives you a say in policy development and allows feedback on political platforms and videos, via a direct channel to your favourite candidate or your representative.

It's private, fast and undistorted by media bias - and happens in a social media-like environment.
The Public-Democracy App for Smart Devices
Download the Public-Democracy App for iPhone & Android - give feedback directly to your political representative about their policies & platform. Designed to break the deadlock of biased media, expensive and cumbersome political polling, and create a new more efficient and agile Democracy, but now revealing  extraordinary promise in a number of other unexpected markets. A product to watch, with not unrealistic value comparisons being made between popular social media apps such as Instagram.

The Public Group builds an exciting future in Big Data and responsive polling technology.

An asset is, “A resource with economic value that an individual, corporation or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide future benefit.”

Perhaps the most overlooked, yet most valuable business asset is its customer database. While it’s not listed on the balance sheet, it is undoubtedly the biggest revenue generator and contributor to the company’s bottom line.

Buildong a database takes time and resources. That's the beauty of accessing an existing database. But what if that database comprises 114 million adults eligible to vote in the USA? That is a description of the Public Grou's databse asset and it took 12 years to compile, is stored securely on Amazin servers and has been verified as accurate and up to date. This is an awesome asset for business marketers too access and this is the reason the Public Group has such a secure future, inherent value and extraordinary growth potential for a start up tech company. You can understand why we are confident that sophisticated investors will find our company an attractive propostiton.

But it doesn't stop there. As the above video shows, we also have another ace up our sleeve - the unique and innovative Public-Democracy App for smart devices that connects politicians and their constituents or the leadership of large organisations with their members. This digital product is causing a buzz in political circles across the world and many leaders of political movements in several major markets have already signed up. However, while this fantastic App was designed to improve the democratic process it has struck a chord in many other unexpoected markets and is proving incredibly versatile! Major sporting organisations, film producers and the union movement are also jumping aboard as licensees.

The Public Group has obviously an exciting future ahead so get on board now and enjoy the ride!

Value added Data mining

Companies with large databases of customer information risk being "data rich and information poor." To build a valuable database a considerable amount of attention is paid to the analysis of data. For instance, companies often segment their customers based on the analysis of differences in behavior, needs, or attitudes of their customers. A common method of behavioral segmentation is RFM (customer value), in which customers are placed into subsegments based on the recency, frequency, and monetary value of past purchases.

About Database Marketing

Database marketing is a systematic approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of consumer data (both for customers and potential customers) that is maintained in a company's databases. Although databases have been used for customer data in traditional marketing for a long time, the database marketing approach is differentiated by the fact that much more consumer data is maintained, and that the data is processed and used in new and more sophisticated ways. Among other things, marketers use the data to learn more about customers, select target markets for specific campaigns (through customer segmentation), compare customers' value to the company and provide more specialized offerings for customers

Why Database Marketing?

Database marketing is fast becoming a buzzword in the industry. What is database marketing and what can it do for you and me as marketers? In a nutshell, it can make us more effective at reaching our customers, help us move the most likely customers to purchase, save us money so we can do more with our marketing budgets, and provide us with measurements on the performance of our marketing plans.