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An Innovative Tech Product

The innovative Public-Democracy product is a downloadable app and backend platform, running on smart devices - phones & tablets, using the Apple (IOS) and Google (Android) operating systems.

The platform delivers immediate interactive results to questions posed via the app by politicians, unions, polling companies and large, member-driven organisations.

Public-Democracy Pty Ltd has a patent pending for the technology used in these Apps (both IOS & Android), in particular in the area of Bio-Metric Interactive Feedback.

Competing Products?

We are not aware of any other products onthe market at this point in time that deliver the same communications service at the same rate (1 million responses per second in real time, using interactive video content on smart devices).

Field Test

A proto-type of the product has been suc cessfully tested in a live environment using an elected politician in Australia (Qld- Liberal Party) with the following results:

  • The test field returned a 7.5%response rate
  • When combined with the use of other social media the overall response rate was enhanced.
  • On the relevant Facebook account the “Talking About” rate was lifted from 5% when the product was not used, to 50% when the product was incorporated with traditional socialmedia.
  • The proto-type was field-tested over a 9-month period during which time it never failed

Users can interact in real time with videos, allowing producers of ads, policy videos and movie trailers to gauge consumer responses to video marketing in real time, with instantaneous metrics, and improve their effectiveness with the target market.