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  • Evolution of “THE PUBLIC GROUP” and the listing process
  • Evolution of “THE PUBLIC GROUP” and the listing process
  • Evolution of “THE PUBLIC GROUP” and the listing process
  • Evolution of “THE PUBLIC GROUP” and the listing process
  • Evolution of “THE PUBLIC GROUP” and the listing process

Evolution of “THE PUBLIC GROUP” and the listing process

Because of the additional potential and market silos that have opened up (to what was originally intended to be predominantly a politically oriented product & service offering), the founders of Public-Democracy have decided that a more substantial and descriptive name would enhance the corporate image of the company. This will also be a strong and effective way to provide ‘group branding’, using the term “Public”.

The surge in interest in applying the proprietory technology to a range of new markets or "silos" has seen an eviolution of the business model that offers exciting opportunities for rapid expansion beyond the original vision. Public-Democracy Pty Ltd is therefore in the process of re-badging itself under the new banner of “The Public Group”.

The Public Group will be the overriding organisation, under which the various silos will operate using their industry and service specific names.

  • Public-Democracy” will be engaged in political and electoral projects.
  • “Public-Health” will concentrate on the health industry, such as the NIH contract.
  • “Public-Finance” will be engaged in providing “Big Data” access licences to the finance sector.
  • “Public-Sport” will handle all sub-licensing, current and future, to third party organisations engaged in marketing to the sports codes.
  • “Public-Entertainment” will be involved with the entertainment industry, including the current negotiations and discussions with Hollywood studios in Los Angeles. 

Other “Public” sub-entities will be created as and when required to handle areas and industries that may open up opportunities in the future.


At present the process has commenced in the US for an S1 public listing (IPO). It is envisaged at this stage it will relate to the US operations PDA Inc. with its ownership of the US Database and the Intellectual Property rights for the Platform in the US.

The Public Group is considering an additional IPO in Australia of the holding company and the ever growing international database owned by the holding company. This would represent the Intellectual Property ownership of the Platform and the International Database.

Additionally there is potential for an IPO for one or more of the silo subsidiaries.