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Big Data Asset - The Commercial Potential

The Public Group offers a powerful new synergy to the utilisation of a powerful Big  Data asset.

15 years in development. Public-Democracy have recently negotiated a demerger  with Public Democracy USA who have returned to focussing on  on their core strengths of NGOs and advocacy groups while the Australian based  Public Group pursue the commercial options available to such a unique asset. Under their original charter (as Eleison, LLC,) Public Democracy USA used it with an extensive client base, including peak bodies such as the Democratic National Committee (and by extension The White House), as well as a number of large corporate & Not-For-Profit NGOs such as Oxfam, Bread for the World and the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA - which consists of 129 National Alliances and 104 Member Associations). The ongoing success of these campaigns has meant that these clients continue to value and use these services, while the the Public Group team work on introducing the broader potential provided by  the commercial operation of the database. 

The Public Group are able to bring a new synergy to the utilisation of the Database asset by combining the effective targeting of selected niche groups extracted from the datatbase with communications campaigns utilising the Public Group's other major asset : the Public-Democracy App for mobile phones / pads / computers. This innovative new smart App with integrated backend platform facilitiating direct unmediated communication with target database sub-groups for instantaneous responsive connection and further data gathering.


Political organisations and campaigns (such as the US Presidential & Mid Term elections) have been using the database to gauge voter attitudes to proposed policies and to set campaign strategies. This is an ongoing exercise, as there are major elections every 2 years and regardless of who the candidates or elected members are, the nature of the information and the potential to leverage political advantage are always present. During a non-election year policy trials and attitudinal polls towards elected representatives are of major importance in order to maximize voter approval. So the political cycle is an ongoing source of revenue that is builds inherent value into the asset.


Major financial institutions have expressed a desire to use the database contents to help fine-tune their product offerings and to target new clients who can be specifically identified into tight and narrow bands of interest and need.

Social and member driven organisations can provide a voice to their constituents by running ‘Feed-Back Loop’ and ‘Viral’ communications using the Public-Democracy App, which runs on smart devices such as phones and tablets, for instant attitudinal responses to ongoing events. This feed-back not only assists the organisations to tailor their offerings and services to their members for optimal effect, whilst minimizing wastage, but it also enhances the database by adding further valuable data points per user every time it’s used.

Individual users are empowered by having access to a large audience, using the Public-Democracy App, with the ability to express opinions, ask questions, receive verification and garner support for issues that are of importance to them. The ability to interact with their elected representatives directly, with major organisations and with large numbers of other individuals and then receive real-time acknowledgements and information provides an instant reward/stimulus for further and on-going engagement. The extensive nature of the attitudinal, behavioural and values-based information, with a 12 year history covering 114 million US citizens, provides an in-valuable & highly accurate platform to gauge future attitudes, behaviour and consumer patterns.