Background Information on the Public Group offerings

The Public Group acquires a major 'Big Data' Asset

Public-Democracy Pty Ltd, through its subsidiary Public Democracy America Inc., now owns and operates a Database of 114 million residents of the USA, all over the age of 18. As the owner of this database, Public-Democracy can directly connect with approximately 1 in 2 of adult US citizens.  Backed by this powerful Big Data asset the Public Group is vontinuing to build partnerships between business, non-profit, political, government, sporting organisations, unions, and US faith and veteran communities.

The History of the Database.

Prior to Public-Democracy Pty Ltd acquiring the database, original developers Eleison, LLC, used it with an extensive client base, including faith based groups (e.g. the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) which consists of 129 National Alliances and 104 Members) and veteren representative organisations, as well peak political bodies such as the Democratic National Committee  (and currently by extension The White House).  The clients who have migrated to the Public Group on the basis of acquiring the database include a wide range of larger corporate entities and Not-For-Profit NGOs (e.g. Oxfam, Bread for the World) and these clients will continue to use the services provided by the new owners of the database, (Public Democracy America) along with a fresh catalogue of new clients currently either contracted or under negotiation.

The user profiles and behavioural information contained in the database has been used to craft messages and policy positions that focus on shared values and common ground. By selecting niche groups through data keying, clients are able to articulate their stances within a values framework in ways that inoculate them against attacks from inappropriate or out of context contact, and thus guarantee their messages will resonate strongly with the target group.

A revitalised perspective

The Public Group continues to work with both the long term and new clients to effectively exploit this high value Big Data  asset and, for instance,  continue to assist crafting email campaigns that enable client organisations to deliver targeted messages to voters with whom they will most resonate, and do so in a way that allows them to enter a conversation and provides them with resources they can share with their own networks.

Extracting and utilizing extensive targeted contact lists, the Public Group is able to continue to deliver maximum value from the data for clients. The original developers had, for example, great success in conducting extremely effective teletownhalls between elected officials and policy leaders and faith and veterans communities, which will be ongoing.

The original database developers had a specific focus on America's rich and complex faith influenced political landscape and have build strong relationships with such values-driven communities from across the ideological spectrum on the local and national level in the US.

The Public Group have brought a fresh perspective and a fresh network of potential clients to the analysis of the rich and complex data embedded in this vast information asset, and have rapidly begun to expand the client base into new niches and territories.



The Data.

The extensive nature of the attitudinal, behavioural and values-based information, with an over 10 year history, covering 114 million US citizens, provides an invaluable and highly accurate platform to gauge future attitudes, behaviour and consumer patterns. Political organisations and campaigns (such as the US Presidential and Mid Term elections) have been using the database to gauge voter attitudes to proposed policies and to set effective campaign strategies.


The Synergy.

As is laid out in other articles here on our website, combining the power of the databse with the marketing innovations, efficiency and cost savings available through the hi-tech marketing App Public-Democracy opens up huge commercial potential for the Public Group.

About The Public Group

The Public Group is an Australian Big Data and Technology Company with a US subsidiary. It markets licensed access to its major database asset of 114 million US users and it has developed an App and backend platform, accessible by Smart devices, that connects politicians and voters, or organisations and members, for improved democratic outcomes and unbiased, low-cost communication / feedback on policies and ideas.



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