
A vibrant new Tech Stock opportunity.

The Public Group Platform is a new way of measuring opinions & attitudes to all forms of content. Backed by the acquisition, over 12 years, of the largest database of attitude & opinion in the USA, the Public Group is poised to generate enormous value internationally.

Flex Iphone6 Screen

Public Group.

Big Data.


A new way of measuring opinions & attitudes to all forms of content...

It's about information
and people.


Tech Startup

Listing Soon.

Over 12 years the Public Group has acquired the largest database of attitude & opinion in the USA and is poised to generate enormous value internationally...

IPhone6 Mockup Front

Public Group.

Big Data & Platform

Public Group BIG DATA


Please register your positive to negative response with the worm as you watch the video...


Politics, Advocacy & Interest Groups

The Political Channel
Public Group Politics ChannelThe Public Group's App was originally designed to improve communications between representatives and their constituents to enable instant low-cost polling of policies, get voter feedback on prioritisation of spending & election videos; bypass mainstream media bias and build electoral visibility & a positive image. A more agile democracy!
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The Advocacy Channel
Public Group Advocacy ChannelThe natural extension of this technology solution was as a tool for NGOs and other sponsorship-driven organisations to inform, gather feedback and market to the membership & database of doners.
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The Unions & Clubs Channel
Public Group Unions ChannelUnions and large member organizations recognise the value in a private, smart-device driven channel for communication, feedback and the creation a sense of belonging, allowing an low cost solution for testing proposed innovations, information about events and elections, and creating a sense of community.
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Sports, Health & Community

The Sports Channel
Public Group Sports ChannelThe Public Group's App, skinned to your logo and corporate colours and style, is the perfect technology solution for engaging and interconnecting your fanbase. Create your own private channel for information, feedback and marketing. Build and Monetize your database.
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The Health Channel
Public Group Health ChannelAn ideal tech solution for Health Industry bodies - a private channel on which to inform, educate and market to your demographic. Build and Monetize your database - your own private channel on smart devices for disseminating information, gathering feedback and promotion.
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The Homeowners Channel
Public Group Community ChannelCommunities can skin the Public Group App to reflect their own unique identity and build a sense of belonging by allowing connectivity, information sharing, feedback, competitions, reminders and updates on a private channel.
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Finance, Insurance & Travel

The Finance Channel
Public Group Finance ChannelThe Public Group App offers immense synergy when used to access the Public Groups database of over 114 million "opted in" US adults enabling vast opportunities for marketing financial products to identified niche markets.
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The Insurance Channel
Public Group Insurance ChannelSimilarly Insurance groups have vast new opportunities to tightly target their marketing through combining the Public Groups App to communicate to subgroups of the Public Groups Database.
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The Public Travel Channel
Public Group Travel ChannelThe Public Group App and the Public Group database are a powerful toolset for marketing travel products
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The Public Group Platform & Interactive Television

The Public Group is currently in negotiation with a major European television network to bring their groundbreaking...


The Public Group acquires a major 'Big Data' Asset

Public-Democracy Pty Ltd, through its subsidiary Public Democracy America Inc., now owns and operates a Database of...


Platform & App for Smart Polling

Public-Democracy : the new App and backend Platform for smart devices enabling low-cost in-house polling. Connecting...


About the Public Group's Database.

The Public Group's database was acquired in late 2015 from Eleison, LLC, a Washington DC based company which has been...


Big Data Asset - The Commercial Potential

12 years in development. Prior to Public-Democracy acquiring their database, Eleison, LLC, used it with an extensive...


Just another Tech Stock? A Look beneath the hood.

Technology stocks are a staple in any sophisticated investment portfolio, especially for those investors looking for...


Comparable Valuations of the Database



Benefits of using the Public-Democracy Platform

Positive Benefits to Stakeholders: For an interactive project to be successful there has be a buy-in (i.e....


The Public Group and Interactive Television -
bringing the viewer experience into the world of digital connection and interactivity!

The Public Group is in negotiation with a major European television network to bring their groundbreaking App designed for improving interactivity between politicans and voters into a whole exciting new market! The technology advanced of smart devices is set to revolutionise the familiar "phone in" responses that have energised the free-to-air TV marketplace in recent years. Read More.


The Public Group offers investors impressive prospects for an exciting commercial future, based on the acquistion of the largest political database available in the US, and the release of a cutting edge Platfrom for smart devices set to revolutionise the world's democracies! New opportunities for extracting value from these core assets are emerging at a fast pace. Ten separate channels or markets have rapidly emerged as clearly deriving commercial value from the technology solutions offered by the Public Group. The Public Group offerings have resonated with political aspirants across the globe, and simultaneoulsy new licensing contracts are already in negotiation or finalized, which have derived from interested parties in a range of these new channels, which has set the Public Group on a sound financial basis from the outset of operations.
The PUBLIC GROUP is an Australian big data company with a US subsidiary. It's core asset is a unique database of 114 million users, all over the age of 18, who are resident in the USA. This represents 1 in 2 of US eligible voters.

The Public-Democracy Platform is set to revolutionize the political cycle in democracies across the world, by transforming the polling process and bypassing mainstream commercial media bias. Politicians, Union Leaders and Sports Administrators can now communicate directly with members, in a social media like environment - with immediate results, no third party interference and significantly lower costs.

With the rolling out of a huge range of options for capitalizing on their 12 year old high value Big Data asset, and with major clients coming on board across the globe for both of the Public Group's core products, this is a dream investment opportunity for the tech savvy and sophisticated investor.


The accuracy and currency of the Public-Democracy database has been verified by cross-matching against the main US voter database and has received formal written confirmation of its efficacy, giving it a score of just under 99% with the remaining 1% being classified as needing further verifcation rather than being classified as false. The above information on the database is current and verified via written third party assessments and reports, as of January 2016.

Political organisations and campaigns (such as the US Presidential and Mid Term elections) have been using the Public Group's database to gauge voter attitudes to proposed policies and to set campaign strategies. This is an ongoing exercise, as obviously there are major elections every 2 years and regardless of who the candidates or elected members are, the nature of the information and the potential to leverage political advantage are always present.

The Public-Democracy database is housed on Amazon Cloud servers, spread over a number of main servers, and utilizes the standard (compre-hensive) Amazon file integrity and security protocols. For additional security and functionality purposes, static data, dynamic data and SQL files are all separated across various physical and logical locations.

Public Group's Revenue Potential is Awesome!

An extraordinary range of emerging income options: Depending on the organisation, campaign, project or individual, there are an exciting number of areas where revenue can be generated. The Public-Democracy Platform offers prospects of subscription based sales, download charges, "in App" up-sells, percentage based access to third party revenue streams, and "in App" advertising, profit markup on bandwidth charges, as well as content creation charges and data distribution fees. The Public Group's Big Data Asset offers its own extraordinary range of renewable profit streams by tailoring data extraction for niche markets. Public-Democracy is a tech company with real verifiable growth prospects, current contracted high value income streams and has a solid and independently verified core value, not just the typical tech start-up's promise of possible future income streams.



The worst thing that can happen in a democracy - as well as in an individual's life - is to become cynical about the future and lose hope.
Hillary Clinton

The Public Group's Platform breaks the log jam of expensive polling, media bias, and the disconnect between political elites & the man in the street.

The Public Group Tech Investment opportunity

The Public-Democracy product is a downloadable app, running on smart devices (phones & tablets) using the Apple (IOS) and Google (Android) operating systems. The Public Group is built on the value inherent on the acquisition of a high value database with extraordinary income generating potential.

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The Public Group database asset of users has been Independently verified to be a tech investment with value potential in the range to some of the major brandnames in popular social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Yelp, LinkedIn and Snapshat.

Public-Democracy's commercial potential is Awesome
